Important Information
- A copy of their child's birth certificate
- A copy of their child’s immunization records
- Proof of address (recent utility bill, copy of a rental lease, etc
- Students who are dependents of full-time district employees and who are applying for enrollment in a school or school community where their parent is employed by the district;
- Students who have a sibling attending the school;
- Students who have been attending a Roaring Fork school that is not in the attendance area of their preferred school;
- Students who intend to enroll in specialized programs not offered in their attendance school (e.g. ROTC);
- Students who have been attending a school other than a Roaring Fork school, within the attendance area of their preferred school and have completed the last grade level in that school;
- All other applicants who live within the Roaring Fork School District.
- Students who are dependents of full-time district employees and who are applying for enrollment in a school or school community where their parent is employed by the district;
- Students who have been attending a Roaring Fork school;
- Siblings of students who have been attending a Roaring Fork School within the attendance area of their preferred school;
- Students who intend to enroll in specialized programs not offered in their home district (e.g. ROTC);
- All other applicants.
- Registration: To complete the online application through the district website.
- Processed: To review the application materials and ensure it is complete. Students are added to an Enrollment Tracker for school Registrars and Administration
- Approved: To confirm the application materials have been completed correctly. Approved does not mean enrolled in the school. Information on the application, at the time of approval, is transferred to Infinite Campus.
- Enrolled: Confirmed seat placement in the requested school. Enrollment is completed by the school Registrar after registration is processed.
Students who want to attend outside their attendance-area school will be prioritized for enrollment using the categories below. When more students wish to attend a school than placements available, a lottery will be run.
The district average of students whose primary household language is other than English is 50%. For schools that do not meet this average, placements will be prioritized so that schools can mirror the demographics of the district as a whole. Additionally, students will be prioritized as follows:
Students who live within the Roaring Fork School District
Students who do not live within the Roaring Fork School District
As outlined in Policy JFBB, term descriptions are:
Students 1-12 remaining at their current school or transitioning to the next school level in their community do not need to register